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Микросхема TNY277PN

от 1 шт - 70.00 руб.
- + шт.

Код Производитель Тип Наличие Корпус
В наличии: 7

Описание: The TNY277PN is a 13W energy-efficient Off-Line Switcher IC with enhanced flexibility and extended power range. TinySwitch-III incorporates a 700V power MOSFET, oscillator and high voltage switched current source, current limit and thermal shutdown circuitry. The IC family uses an ON/OFF control scheme and offers a design flexible solution and extended power capability.&bull, Simple ON/OFF control, no loop compensation needed&bull, Self-biased - No bias winding or bias components&bull, Pin-out simplifies heat-sinking to the PCB&bull, SOURCE pins are electrically quiet for low EMI&bull, Output overvoltage shutdown with optional Zener&bull, Line under-voltage detect threshold set using a single optional resistor&bull, High bandwidth provides fast turn on with no over-shoot and excellent transient load response&bull, Extended creepage between DRAIN and all other pins improves field reliability